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Meghan Dorman


I've been a CrossFitter since 2009, through all 40 weeks of two pregnancies and nursing both kiddos!


CrossFit Level 1 certified

CrossFit Kids certified

CrossFit Workshops: Prenatal Fitness; Olympic Weightlifting; Gymnastics; Self Defense

About Coach

Growing up, I was primarily a cheerleader and a dancer (with a few mediocre attempts at soccer and swimming). As an adult, I mostly just ran for exercise because I didn't know what else to do. I did lots of 5Ks, a few 10Ks, one-half marathon, and one full marathon. I was constantly dealing with knee pain and chronic tendonitis that would sideline me for weeks. Eventually, I met my now-husband, and he taught me how to lift weights. We found CrossFit together through a police officer friend in 2009, and I was hooked and never looked back.

Turning Point

My first child was born in 2010, and his birth was via a c-section that I did not want to have. When it was time to have my second child in 2012, I was obsessed with the idea of having a natural birth. There was only one practice in St. Pete that would take VBAC patients (vaginal birth after cesarean), and it was the high-risk group at Bayfront. Only one of the four doctors we saw was in favor of me attempting the VBAC, and there was very little in the way of education and support for that type of delivery at the time. I felt super alone, but that actually made me more determined. The day of my daughter's birth was hands-down the best day of my life. We chose to stay home during most of the labor, only heading to the hospital when we felt like it was really go-time. The Lord blessed us with that one doctor who was on my side being the doctor on-call when we arrived. My husband knew I wanted to do this as naturally as possible, so that became our team goal. We went into competition mode. it was physically the hardest thing I've ever done, but I just kept reminding myself of all the other times in my athletic training when my mind wanted to quit and my body was able to keep going. I knew if I could master my mind that my body would follow and that it was capable of way more than I thought possible. The hardest I've ever worked for something is my proudest moment. That lesson will stay with me forever.

Motivation & Passion

My favorite coaching clients are the ones who come into a class thinking they can't do something. My goal is to prove them wrong. A push-up is not just a push-up. A box jump, not just a box jump. A snatch PR, not just a number. These are moments that change your mind about what's possible for you, and that translates to the rest of your day, your career, your relationships ... your life.

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